Scientific background
In the work groups of Prof. Dr. Klaus Bös (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Prof. Dr. Walter Brehm (University of Bayreuth) exist a long tradition in the development of health-oriented fitness research. Based on this work the European Fitness Badge was developed.
Basis of the Badge are the two motoric test profiles. Test profile 1 is function-orientated and is especially for beginners and elderly people within the context of health days. Test profile 2 is performance-oriented and is especially for active sports men and women in and outside the context of sports clubs. Besides the certificates, the participant gets a wide and individual feedback including recommendations to improve or maintain the activity.
At the development of the test profiles and the development of the recommendations and training hints a lot of scientist and assistants were involved.
Ine De Clerck and Bart Van Houtte (Arteveldehogeschool, Ghent, Belgium) worked with lots of their bachelor students at the development and the proving of the test. Especially the Posture test and the Plank test are results of their work. Linn Trentel Busch (DGI, Denmark) was part of the work group too and was responsible for the integration of the Danish Step Test (in cooperation with Morten Zacho).
MA Katja Klemm (KIT) proved both test profiles regarding the acceptance by participants and instructors plus the feasibility, and evaluated the psychometric properties.
Prof. Dr. Christina Reichenbach (EFH Buchum) initiated the integration of the ABSI as body composition index with her expertise. Anika Hoffmann, MIrija Marschall and Rita Wittelsberger of the KIT worked on specific tasks during the development and proving of the tests.
Michael Butzke and his team of mb-mediasports was responsible for the programming of the online platform.
The overall management of the project was carried out by Prof. Dr. Klaus Bös and Prof. Dr. Walter Brehm. The scientific tasks were accompanied by the project organisation. The DTB, in person Pia Pauly and Miriam Schreck plus Petra Glaser by the KIT were the responsible persons of this part.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bös & Prof. Dr. Walter Brehm