The European Fitness Badge (EFB) is on the one hand an individual confirmation of a health enhancing fitness status and is awarding this status on three levels
A health enhancing fitness status reflects fitness as a physical health resource; which can be systematically influenced by exercise. In this meaning Fitness is based on the components endurance, strength, flexibility and coordination. Additionally, body composition and posture should be integrated.
The European Fitness Badge is on the other hand an effective instrument for sport and health organizations to enhance the awareness of the adult population in Europe for the importance of a health enhancing fitness status. Thus the European Fitness Badge is helping to
- motivate and support people changing their behaviour to an active lifestyle;
- invite, include and commit more people to exercise, sport and physical activities.
More in detail:
Creating award situations people will be motivated to test their fitness. With a short feedback or a more detailed counselling the awareness of the importance of fitness for staying healthy increase and motivate the target groups to do more exercise or to go on.
The information about the own strength and weakness is an important point for a realistic self-perception as well as for building up goals and plans for a more active lifestyle, including the sustainable participation in exercise and sports.
Awarding the European Fitness Badge can make proud and helps to sustain self-confidence – with the effect of an emotional commitment with health enhancing physical activity (HEPA).
A constant testing of the fitness factors with individual feedback during the years helps the participant to recognize the individual improvement and to continue the active lifestyle with the aim to improve or to sustain the fitness level. With the constant testing of the fitness factors the instructor also gets important information to plan the exercise and to adapt the exercises to the individuals need.
Either if you are a sport organization, a trainer or a person interest in physical activity and you will like to test your physical level, change your behaviors and improve your fitness status, check here for more information:
• I am interest in knowing more about my physical status and how to improve it. Read the Participants info and find out more about organizations in your country that can help you.
• I am a fitness instructor and I will like to test the European Fitness Badge with my group members and motivate them to keep an active lifestyle. Read more the Instructors info and find out more about how and where to implement the EFB.
• I am a sport organization and I will like to implement the EFB with my members. Read the Sport Organizations info and find out more about the benefits of having the EFB in your organization.